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Ellie and Frankie, morning cuddles

About me

Hi, I'm Ellie and I live in the Hampshire countryside with my husband Tom and our daughter Frankie.


By trade i am a weaver. I work from my studio in Littleton creating bespoke fabrics for fashion and furnishing, mostly on a commission basis, but I do sell a selection of my work online at Elka Textiles


My mum, Claudia, started working with the business in 2018, naturally dyeing yarns for me to weave with, and we now offer a range of weaving and natural dyeing workshops.


I started this blog after Frankie was born to share my love of cooking and growing our food, but as my business got busier i couldn't find time for it.


We've had a crazy few years of moving house, renovations and a lot of hard work, resulting in very little home cooking and I feel the time has come (if not appallingly overdue) to crack out my apron and start cooking again.


I made the decision to go vegan in 2015. I did this for every reason there is, my health, the environment, but above all else, ethical. Opening my eyes to the meat and dairy industry has been desperately saddening, and quite frankly terrifying, but it moved me to think of how I can make a positive difference.


Becoming vegan has opened up so many avenues I would never have explored otherwise, and has made me healthier in mind, body and soul.


The purpose of this blog is simply to share my love of plant based cooking, my total obsession with growing my own food and to show that adopting a plant based lifestyle is easy and rewarding.


I hope it serves as a source of inspiration for you.

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